We have tracked, categorized under Science and Technology and other Research and Development, over 20 funding programs and $9,333,420 allocated funding to date.

Recent published funding opportunities:

Funding Opportunity
DoD Kidney Cancer, Translational Research Partnership Award Apply for HT942524KCRPTRPA

Funding Number: HT942524KCRPTRPA
Agency: Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with Great Basin Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Apply for G24AS00243

Funding Number: G24AS00243
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $180,000
Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with Rocky Mountain Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU) Apply for G22AS00194

Funding Number: G22AS00194
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $100,000
Cooperative Agreement for CESU-affiliated Partner with Californian Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit Apply for G21AS00309

Funding Number: G21AS00309
Agency: Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $50,000

Funding Number: N00014 20 S F004
Agency: Office of Naval Research
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Innovations in Graduate Education (IGE) Program Apply for 24 529

Funding Number: 24 529
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $1,000,000
Assessment of dual-purpose fish/oyster reefs in the Lynnhaven River, VA Apply for W81EWF 22 SOI 0024

Funding Number: W81EWF 22 SOI 0024
Agency: Department of Defense, Engineer Research and Development Center
Funding Amount: $75,000
DOD Tuberous Sclerosis Complex, Exploration- Hypothesis Development Award Apply for W81XWH 21 TSCRP EHDA

Funding Number: W81XWH 21 TSCRP EHDA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
DoD Kidney Cancer, Academy of Kidney Cancer Investigators – Early-Career Investigator Award Apply for W81XWH 20 KCRP AKCIECIA

Funding Number: W81XWH 20 KCRP AKCIECIA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
CDMRP Peer Reviewed Medical Research Program Investigator-Initiated Research Award Apply for W81XWH 20 PRMRP IIRA

Funding Number: W81XWH 20 PRMRP IIRA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
NSF INCLUDES Planning Grants Apply for 19 600

Funding Number: 19 600
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit (CESU), Rocky Mountain CESU Apply for G19AS00074

Funding Number: G19AS00074
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $225,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, South Florida Caribbean CESU Apply for G19AS00117

Funding Number: G19AS00117
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $200,000
DoD Breast Cancer, Breakthrough Award Level 3 Apply for W81XWH 19 BCRP BTA3 2

Funding Number: W81XWH 19 BCRP BTA3 2
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Rivers CESU Apply for G19AS00044

Funding Number: G19AS00044
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $50,126
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Piedmont Atlantic Coast CESU Apply for G19AS00024

Funding Number: G19AS00024
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $345,294
DoD Kideny Cancer, Idea Development Award Apply for W81XWH 18 KCRP IDA

Funding Number: W81XWH 18 KCRP IDA
Agency: Department of Defense, Dept. of the Army -- USAMRAA
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Great Lakes Northern Forests CESU Apply for G18AS00038

Funding Number: G18AS00038
Agency: Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $120,000
Disability and Rehabilitation Research Projects (DRRP) Program: Center on Knowledge Translation for Technology Transfer Apply for HHS 2018 ACL NIDILRR DPKT 0254

Funding Number: HHS 2018 ACL NIDILRR DPKT 0254
Agency: Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Community Living
Funding Amount: $925,000
Resource Implementations for Data Intensive Research in the Social, Behavioral and Economic Sciences Apply for 18 517

Funding Number: 18 517
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: Case Dependent
Deployed War Fighter Protection Program Announcement Apply for DWFP 18 S 01

Funding Number: DWFP 18 S 01
Agency: Department of Defense, ACC-APG-Detrick
Funding Amount: $300,000
Cooperative Ecosystem Studies Unit, Piedmont South Atlantic Coast CESU Apply for G17AS00126

Funding Number: G17AS00126
Agency: Department of the Interior, Geological Survey
Funding Amount: $93,000
INTEGRATE FOA Apply for DE FOA 0001797

Funding Number: DE FOA 0001797
Agency: Department of Energy, Advanced Research Projects Agency Energy
Funding Amount: $4,000,000
CISE Research Infrastructure Apply for 17 581

Funding Number: 17 581
Agency: National Science Foundation
Funding Amount: $2,000,000
Joint Fire Science Program FY 2018 Potential Topics Apply for L17JFSP0001

Funding Number: L17JFSP0001
Agency: Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management
Funding Amount: Case Dependent


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